I've been an artist my entire life. Both of my parents were artists and they were a huge influence on me growing up. At the age of 18 I learned how to blow glass and that became my career for almost 18 years.
I did my first tattoo on myself in 2009 with a kit I had ordered off the internet. I Taught myself how to build and run tattoo machines. I was constantly in and out of trouble at that point in my life. I did around 30 tattoos over the course of 10 years. It wasn't until November of 2019 that I made a decision that being a tattoo artist is what I needed to do. I got licensed and met all other requirements to tattoo legally and professionally. I was looking for a shop to give me a chance and found Big Uce who gave me the opportunity. From there I've grown as an artist and as a person. I am primarily self-taught and I strive to learn and better myself every single day,